Mum on a Mission

This new mum is on a mission…to lose weight, to be the best mum I can, to be creative and to be the best version of "ME" I can.

2.2kg in 2 weeks!


Soo I’m feeling pretty happy with myself :)

At the official weigh in at the gym on Saturday I was down 2.2kg from the first weigh in. Body fat percentage has started to move down too from 40.2% to 39.5%.

And what’s even better is that it’s been so easy. I know that’s the last thing anyone reading this wants to see but really it has been. In the past 2 weeks we’ve had all sorts of “off plan” foods thanks to birthday celebrations. I haven’t really felt like I’m missing out on anything although I must admit just lately I have been missing lovely sauces that we used to cook our chicken in, like butter chicken mmmm, yeah I’ve missed that even though the stir frys have had a fair amount of flavour to them. One in particular, mustard chicken, was very yummy!

Anyway, it really has been as simple as reducing the amount of calories consumed and increasing exercise. I haven’t been sweating it out for hours at the gym or starving myself. I’ve been eating plenty and exercising for 40 – 60 mins 3 times a week.

I have found myself getting a bit “loose” with my portion control though so I need to work on that before the scales start tipping in the opposite direction.

Anyway, I am super happy with how I’ve gone so far. May the scales continue to fall for all of us :)


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Hi, I’m Cheryl and this blog is all about my missions in life.

Number 1 is to be the best mum I can to my little boy who was born in May 2010. My next priority is to lose weight which is what prompted me to start this blog in the first place. It’s  going to be a place for me to share with you on this journey. I love to be creative so will also be sharing my flashes of creativity in all things artsy and craftsy.

I’m not perfect so I will endeavour to be as honest as possible in my posts especially when it comes to any failures I will most likely have in my weight loss mission and in my new job as a Mum. The most important thing I need to remember is when I fall off the wagon that I get right back on again.