Mum on a Mission

This new mum is on a mission…to lose weight, to be the best mum I can, to be creative and to be the best version of "ME" I can.

Fancy a bit of baking and we have a crawler!


What a horrible day weather wise it has been today! Not to mention the mugginess!

It must have been all the cake making and baking shows on the food channel this afternoon but I was overcome with a desire to do some baking :) Having organised a whole lot of  recipes I had pulled out of magazines (Yay for Mission: Organised Home)  I sat down and flicked through until I found a couple of recipes

that I had all the ingredients for.

So first up was a recipe for wholemeal banana & chocolate muffins and as an extra dose of yumminess I added a chunk of chocolate in the centre of each muffin. Hopefully when we eat the muffins we will get some gooey goodness :)

Wholemeal Banana & Chocolate Muffins

The 2nd thing I made, is actually still in the oven. It is a bit of a concoction so hopefully it turns out alright!

Apricot & Raisin Loaf

6 apricot halves, chopped (I used tinned apricots)

1 cup raisins

1/4 cup currants

1 cup of boiling water

1 tsp baking soda

1 tbsp butter/lite olive oil spread

1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed

1 egg, beaten

1/4 cup chopped nuts

1 tsp vanilla essence

2 cups wholemeal flour

1 tsp baking powder

Preheat oven to 180 deg C. Put apricots, raisins, currants, water, baking soda & butter into a bowl. Stir until butter has melted. Beat sugar, egg, nuts and vanilla into raisin mixture. Sift flour (add husks back in after sifting) and baking powder into mixture, stirring to combine. Pour into a greased 22cm loaf tin and bake for about 45 minutes.

Apricot & Raisin Loaf

It’s cooling at the moment so I’ll post a verdict a bit later ;)

In other news; we have a crawler! DS started crawling on Monday night and luckily it was while both of us were at home so we saw our baby boy reach a major milestone. Yep, I had tears in my eyes as I watched him make his first fumbling movements towards independence from me *sigh*.

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Hi, I’m Cheryl and this blog is all about my missions in life.

Number 1 is to be the best mum I can to my little boy who was born in May 2010. My next priority is to lose weight which is what prompted me to start this blog in the first place. It’s  going to be a place for me to share with you on this journey. I love to be creative so will also be sharing my flashes of creativity in all things artsy and craftsy.

I’m not perfect so I will endeavour to be as honest as possible in my posts especially when it comes to any failures I will most likely have in my weight loss mission and in my new job as a Mum. The most important thing I need to remember is when I fall off the wagon that I get right back on again.