Mum on a Mission

This new mum is on a mission…to lose weight, to be the best mum I can, to be creative and to be the best version of "ME" I can.



I’ve been missing in action from here purely from a lack of motivation to do anything! I think I may be getting to the stage where the groundhog day-ish-ness (yes I know that’s not a word) is getting to me. I love being at home with DS don’t get me wrong but I feel like I can’t do anything because my attention should be on him instead of painting/gardening/tidying. When he’s asleep I should be fine but 1. I want to sit and enjoy the peace & quiet and 2. I don’t want to make too much noise in case I wake him up.

Anyway, the reason I’ve come back on is I’m starting weight loss attempt number 1 million, seven hundred thousand….you get the picture. I’ve been trying to work out why I don’t have the motivation to stick to my good eating plan, I know I need to lose the weight for health reasons not just to improve my appearance. I wanted to lose weight for DS’s first birthday so I wouldn’t look like a fat slob in the photos. Doesn’t look like that’s going to happen huh.

However, while I may not get to the weight i originally wanted to be at I am going to do my damnedest to lose as much as I can as that will still be an improvement on what I am today.

I can’t believe I originally got down to 82 point something and then went back up to 88! How and why did I let that happen? Is it because I’m at home all day so essentially I’m hiding from the world so it doesn’t matter what I look like? Maybe.

I should have taken more advantage of the good weather to get out there and do more walks.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda….

Check out my weight loss page for my current stats and stay tuned for updates which I plan to do on a Friday night for weigh in and Sunday night for reviewing the week of eating and exercising.

Wish me luck!

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Hi, I’m Cheryl and this blog is all about my missions in life.

Number 1 is to be the best mum I can to my little boy who was born in May 2010. My next priority is to lose weight which is what prompted me to start this blog in the first place. It’s  going to be a place for me to share with you on this journey. I love to be creative so will also be sharing my flashes of creativity in all things artsy and craftsy.

I’m not perfect so I will endeavour to be as honest as possible in my posts especially when it comes to any failures I will most likely have in my weight loss mission and in my new job as a Mum. The most important thing I need to remember is when I fall off the wagon that I get right back on again.